Vision and Mission

The primary purpose of KRYPTON: Dawn of Machine is as a "play-to-earn" game. It is not just a game to leave on while your computer is on standby; we prefer the term "play-and-mine" game, with many differentiating elements compared to other token-mining games.

We believe that a fun game is one with balanced competition and free player control, allowing for the complete decentralisation of the NFT game.

In the world of KRYPTON, players are individuals whose actions impact the entire game universe. Every player is a character in control of a spacecraft ejected from the dying world who must choose a faction to join, each with clear and conflicting ideologies.

When a faction is victorious in a mission, they are the ones who create the 'rules' for the new world order. If they lose their power, they are subject to another faction's rule.

New features can even be decided by players themselves, creating an endless game world that grows in tandem with its community.

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